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Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Mirillis Splash HD Player Pro Portable

Designed and optimized for HD!

Play all your High Definition MPEG-2 and AVC/H.264 camcorder clips and movies, incredibly fast, smooth and without problems. You don't need any additional codecs. Download, install, watch. It takes about one second tostart application and High Definition video playback!

Featuring Mirillis Codecs.

Ultra fast audio and video decoders designed for your multi-core processor and graphics card hardware acceleration (GPU). Choose our optimized low power consumption technologies, save your mobile PC batteries, money and the environment. You don't need any additional codecs to play the best quality videos now!

Picture - just stunning video quality!

Advanced picture post-processing engine, delivering stunning video quality. Watch standard and high definition videos like never before, enjoy smooth motion, crisp details and vivid colors.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Macam-macam sistem operasi komputer

1. MS-DOS 

Singkatan dari Microsoft Disk Operating System, adalah sebuah sistem operasi yang sangat banyak digunakan oleh komputer IBM-PC atau yang kompatibel dengannya. Microsoft membuat MS-DOS sebagai sebuah sistem operasi mainstream, sebelum pada akhirnya menghentikan dukungan MS-DOS secara perlahan ketika mereka membuat sebuah sistem operasi berbasis antarmuka grafis (dikenal juga dengan sebutanGUI) untuk pasar mainstream, yang disebut sebagai Microsoft windows.
  a.       Dapat lebih mudah membuat folder bersama subfolder nya.
  b.       Dapat melihat file di suatu harddisk atau folder secara keseluruhan maupun yang di   hidden.
  c.       Dapat mengcopy file lebih cepat dibandingkan sistem operasi berbasis GUI    (GraphicUnit Interface).
             a. Resiko Kehilangan file lebih besar jika kita sedang ceroboh atau tidak fokus.
    b. Tempilan kurang menarik.
    c. Pengoperasian nya masih berbasis teks.

2. Microsoft Windows 

Lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Windows adalah keluarga Sistem operasi. yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft, dengan menggunakan antarmuka pengguna grafis.
Sistem operasi Windows telah berevolusi dari MS-DOS, sebuah sistem operasi yang berbasis modus teks dan command-line. Windows versi pertama, Windows Graphic Environment 1.0 pertama kali diperkenalkan pada 10 November 1983, tetapi baru keluar pasar pada bulan November tahun 1985, yang dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komputer dengan tampilan bergambar. Windows 1.0 merupakan perangkat lunak 16-bit tambahan (bukan merupakan sistem operasi) yang berjalan di atas MS-DOS (dan beberapa varian dari MS-DOS), sehingga ia tidak akan dapat berjalan tanpa adanya sistem operasi DOS. Versi 2.x, versi 3.x juga sama. Beberapa versi terakhir dari Windows (dimulai dari versi 4.0 dan Windows NT 3.1) merupakan sistem operasi mandiri yang tidak lagi bergantung kepada sistem operasi MS-DOS. Microsoft Windows kemudian bisa berkembang dan dapat menguasai penggunaan sistem operasi hingga mencapai 90%.
  • Sistem operasi yang user-friendly.
  • Dukungan hardware yang lengkap, aplikasi bagi platform Windows lebih banyak.
  • Memiliki pengaturan control akses yang canggih dibandingkan dengan sistem operasi  yang    lain, dikarenakan tidak semua orang dapat mengakses data secara bebas terhadap semua objek tertentu.
  • Mendukung sistem berkas partii dengan fomat FAT, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, juga ISO9660.
  • Mendukung Sistem Berkas Terenskripsi ( EFS ). Sistem ini digunakan untuk memproteksi data- data yang penting agar tidak dapat di buka oleh user lain apalagi komputer lain.
  • Mudah sekali tertular virus.
  • Harga lisensi terlalu mahal dan tidak dapat dijangkau oleh user secara keseluruhan.
  • Tidak ada efek tiga dimensi dan memiliki resolusi gambar yang rendah.

  • 3. Unix 

    Unix adalah sebuah sistem operasi komputer yang diawali dari project Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) pada tahun 1965 yang dilakukan American Telephone and Telegraph AT&T, General Electric (GE), dan Institut Teknologi Massachusetts (MIT), dengan biaya dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika (Departement of Defence Advenced Research Project, DARPA atau ARPA), UNIX didesain sebagai Sistem operasi yang portable, multi-tasking dan multi-user.
    Sistem operasi Unix digunakan secara luas baik sebagai server atau workstation. Arsitektur Unix dan model client/server merupakan elemen yang paling penting dalam perkembangan internet dan mengubah proses komputasi secara terpusat dalam jaringan dari pada proses tunggal di komputer. Linux, merupakan sistem operasi yang diadopsi dari Unix dan tersedia secara bebas mendapat popularitas sebagai alternatif dari sistem operasi proprietary seperti Microsoft Windows
    • sistem operasinya gratis
    • tidak perlu mengintal driver lagi
    • mendapatkan applikasi multimedia dan desian grafis yang lengkap
    • tidak bisa terkena virus
    • desktopnya bagus
    • membingungkan karna berbeda dengan windows
    • format file yang terlalu sedikit
    • banyak software yang tidak complatible dengan unix

    4. Linux

    Linux adalah sebuah program open source yang gratis di bawah lisensi GNU, sistem operasi 32-64 bit, yang merupakan turunan dari Unix dan dapat dijalankan pada berbagai macam platform perangkat keras mulai dari Intel (x86), hingga prosesor RISC. Linux sebagai program open source yang gratis Salah satu yang membuat Linux terkenal adalah karena gratis. Dengan lisensi GNU (Gnu Not Unix) Anda dapat memperoleh program, lengkap dengan kode sumbernya (source code). Tidak hanya itu, Anda diberikan hak untuk mengkopi sebanyak Anda mau, atau bahkan mengubah kode sumbernya.Dan itu semua legal dibawah lisensi. Meskipun gratis, lisensi GNU memperbolehkan pihak yang ingin menarik biaya untuk penggandaan maupun pengiriman program.Kebebasan yang paling penting dari Linux, terutama bagi programmer dan administrator jaringan, adalah kebebasan memperoleh kode sumber (source code) dan kebebasan untuk mengubahnya. Ini berimplikasi pada beberapa hal penting. Pertama keamanan, yang kedua dinamika.Jika perangkat lunak komersial tidak memperkenankan Anda untuk mengetahui kode sumbenya maka Anda tidak akan pernah tahu apakah program yang Anda beli dari mereka itu aman atau tidak (sering disebut security by obscurity). Hidup Anda di tangan para vendor. Dan jika ada pemberitahuan tentang bug dari perangkat lunak komersial tersebut, seringkali sudah terlambat. Dengan Linux, Anda dapat meneliti kode sumbernya langsung, bersama dengan pengguna Linux lainnya. Berkembangnya pengguna Linux sebagai komunitas yang terbuka, membuat bug akan cepat diketahui, dan secepat itu pula para programmer akan memperbaiki programnya. Anda sendiri juga yang menentukan kode yang cocok sesuai dengan perangkat keras maupun kebutuhan dasar perangkat lunak lainnya untuk dapat diimplementasikan. Ibarat sebuah mobil, Anda bisa memodifikasi sesukanya, bahkan hingga mesin sekalipun, untuk memperoleh bentuk yang diinginkan.Keterbukaan kode sumber juga memungkinkan sistem operasi berkembang dengan pesat. Jika sebuah program dengan sistem tertutup dan hanya dikembangkan oleh vendor tertentu, paling banyak sekitar seribu hingga lima ribu orang. Sedangkan Linux, dengan keterbukaan kode sumbernya, dikembangkan oleh sukarelawan seluruh dunia. Bug lebih cepat diketahui dan program penambalnya (patch) lebih cepat tersedia. Pendekatan pengembangan sistem operasi ini disebut Bazaar. Kebalikannya sistem Chatedraal sangat tertutup dan hanya berpusat pada satu atau dua pengembang saja.
    a. stem operasi yang tahan tertular virus.
    b. Linux sangat stabil, sehingga menjadi platform mayoritas bagi server internet, hingga    industri perfilman.
    c. Linux sangat baik digunakan untuk jaringan.
    d. Linux merupakan sistem operasi bebas dan terbuka. Sehingga dapat dikatakan, tidak terdapat biaya lisensi untuk membeli atau menggunakan Linux. Linux adalah sistem operasi yang murni multiuser dan multitasking.

  • Masih belum banyak software yang cocok dijalankan di Linux.
  • Beberapa hardware yang sepertinya sulit untuk menyediakan driver untuk Linux.
  •  5. Apple machint osh os

    Apple Mac OS merupakan turunan dari UNIX melalui jalur BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution). Oleh karena itu kekuatan dalam multi-tasking, multi-user, networking yang ada pada UNIX juga dimiliki oleh Mac OS. Mac OS adalah sistem operasi berbasis GUI. Apple merupakan pelopor dalam penggunaan GUI pada sistem operasi. Penggunaan icon, mouse dan beberapa komponen GUI merupakan sumbangan yang luar biasa bagi perkembangan sistem operasi berbasis GUI. 


  • Tampilan yang lebih glossy sehingga bagus untuk desain grafik/multimedia.
  • Tidak mudah terserang virus, Karena dirancang oleh security oriented.
  • Mempunyai program “sherlock“ yang tidak hanya mencari file pada harddisk dan dalamjaringan lokal, tetapi juga di Internet.
  • High Performance khususnya untuk MAC OS X yang dapat untuk melakukan semua hal dalam menjalankan aplikasi dengan kecepatan baik.

  •   KEKURANGAN:   
  • Harganya masih terlalu mahal.
  • Seakan hanya ditujukan untuk desainer grafis.
  • Kurang cocok untuk aplikasi server dan game.
  • Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

    Advanced Registry Clear Portable

    Advanced written record Clear is Associate in Nursing easy-to-use, tight and high-efficiency written record cleaner and optimizer that fixes all of your written record errors, system bugs and alternative common issues and sweeps web tracks, IE cookies, temporary Doc files, etc. to create your laptop and your personal data additional stable and procurer.

    USB Disk Security DC 07.02.2013 Portable

    USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the bulk of alternative merchandise square measure unable even to ensure ninetieth protection. USB Disk Security is that the best antivirus software system to for good defend offline laptop while not the necessity for signature updates, however alternative antivirus software system ought to update signature information frequently, and that they cannot effectively defend offline laptop. This light-weight and simple to use resolution is 100% compatible with all software system and does not block your laptop in the slightest degree. You pay USB Disk Security once and obtain it all, however, alternative antivirus merchandise ought to be bought updates per annum.

    GIMP 2.8.4 Portable

    GIMP may be a multiplatform pic manipulation tool. lameness is AN word form for wildebeest Image Manipulation Program. The lameness is appropriate for a range of image manipulation tasks, together with pic retouching, image composition, and image construction. it's several capabilities. It will be used as an easy paint program, AN knowledgeable quality pic retouching program, a web instruction execution system, a production image renderer, a picture format device, etc.

    Chaos Software Legal Billing

    Legal asking package from ChaosSoftware.com is intended for busy lawyers and alternative legal professionals United Nations agency expect to pay their valuable time performing on billable hours instead of battling hard-to-use legal asking package. This Legal asking program offers straightforward tools you would like to enter time and expenses, print invoices and obtain bought the work you performed while not a learning curve requiring intensive training! Even share the info with others on your network! The result's a versatile asking program ideal for tiny law companies and for sole practitioners.

    Some key features:

    Timer - Billable time events will be entered manually otherwise you will use the intrinsical timer to trace it slow spent mechanically. you'll be able to additionally specify minimum increments, if desired!

    Address Book - it's a intrinsical address book, or it will share the contacts with one in every of our well-liked contact manager programs: Chaos Intellect and Time & Chaos. Once a client's info is entered, you'll be able to avoid having to retype their info ever once more on statements or documents. With simply a click, drag and drop, you're managing your client's case and chase your billable time!

    Shared information - Your info will be shared on a network while not requiring any big-ticket server package. Multiple users will add new billable events, expenses, or enter payments, run reports or print statements, identical time as|while|when|as} others square measure operating with it at the same time.

    BS.Player 2.64 Build 1073 Final

    BS.Player – the most effective transmission player (DivX, HD and AVC video, movie, audio, DVD, YouTube) within the world! Ever since the terribly starting within the year 2000, the BS.Player has been one in every of the world’s hottest transmission players. it's well-liked for several reasons, one but ought to be pointed out: bachelor's degree.Player is that the initial player ever to change its users to concentrate on look the picture show rather than managing poor laptop capabilities or running around craving for a correct setting and codec. BS.Player is employed by over seventy various multi media users throughout the planet and it's been translated into over ninety world languages. All downloaded versions of our FREE version exceed the total of all downloads of competitive media players and owed DivX or videodisc players. as a result of it doesn't use abundant of the process unit|CPU|C.P.U.|central processor|processor|mainframe|electronic equipment|hardware|computer hardware} processing resources for transmission playback it's appropriate for all those that use slightly less capable computers.Now, you'll be able to finally relish the playback of HD videodisc and AVCHD movies of the very best quality with borderline system needs. BS.Player will playback any YouTube picture show directly from the web and reserve it to native disk

    Main features of BS.Player are:
    • Sound Equalizer
    • Fully skinnable windows (Media list, Play list, Equalizer)
    • Bookmarks support (add, edit)
    • Chapters support (create, move to, skip)
    • Custom aspect ratios
    • Multiple audio stream switching
    • Frame capture (video to picture)
    • Plugin support (Winamp DSP plugins and others)
    • Multilingual interface
    • Fast forward and fast rewind option
    • Frame stepping (playback video one frame at a time)
    • WinLIRC support (user defineable remote controllers)
    • Support switching between multiple (different language) subtitles
    • Pan-scan and custom pan-scan option
    • Support for multiple audio streams and switching between them
    • Every action can also be assigned to WinLIRC button
    • Playback of incomplete AVI files and locked files (files in use, files still downloading or recording)
    • Command line support (for example “bsplayer.exe movie.avi -fs” will start playback of movie in full screen mode)
    • Support a lot of subtitles formats (MicroDVD, SubRip, Subviewer…), custom subtitles position, color, font, transparency…
    • BSI/INI files support and dynamic DirectShow filters loading (so everything can be burned on CD and played without installing anything)
    • Almost every action can be assigned to user selected key (even two keys) and different keys can be assigned for full screen and windowed mode
    • Support for all popular media formats (audio and video): divx, avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, 3ivx, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, Quicktime mov, mp4, mpv, QT, Real rm, SWF, vob, wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, aac, ac3, aif, ram, wma…

    What does the BS.Player™ 2.6 PRO have to offer:
    * Playback of AVCHD video new. (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) format used in Canon, JVC, Panasonic, and Sony digital tapeless camcorders.
    * Support for global multimedia keys
    * Play YouTube streaming including HD, High Quality and Normal resolution videonew
    * Save YouTube streaming video to local disk (YouTube downloader)new
    * Customizable Equalizer
    * Support for Capture/Tuner devices (and Teletext support)
    * Capture Video to file
    * Integrated subtitle editor
    * Network file buffering
    * Support for Flash playback
    * Technical e-mail support
    * DVD support
    * Text “Only for Non-Commercial use” is removed in PRO version
    * Free one year subscription upgrade

    Changes in BS.Player 2.64 Build 1073:
    - Fixed problem with Windows 8 Metro applications
    - New renderer for Windows 8 N versions, it’s also supported on other versions (Windows XP+)
    - Some other bug fixes

    Easy DVD Player 3.5.1 Build 0833

    Do you feel aggravated regarding waving from one player to a different simply to search out an acceptable media player to play a particular video? With simple optical disk Player, the all-in-one media player, all of your issues square measure planning to be resolved. you'll get good combination of multi-functionality, high definition output and terrific audiovisual enjoyment.

    Key Features of Easy DVD Player
    - Blu-ray playback with full operating controls
    - DVD and VideoCD playback with full operating controls
    - Output the 5.1 audio track
    - Full Featured DVD navigation
    - Optimized for Intel and AMD Processors(Pentium II/III/4/Celeron, AMD K6-2/Athlon/Duron)
    - Stunning video and audio quality
    - Plays a wide range of media files
    - Easy DVD Player can support DVDs as well as Blu-ray videos, including BDs and Blu-ray ISO files.
    - This DVD player software also supports DVD menus which offer convenience to users.
    - It can support almost all the video and audio formats. You don’t need to worry about that it would have quality loss.
    - Another distinguished feature of the media player is High-quality audio output: this DVD software can output the 5.1 audio tracks which will give you a fantastic joyment. The interface of the player is filled with simple air which offers easiness to users.

    System Requirements
    • Microsoft® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Win7 or Win8
    • Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz processor or equivalent AMD Athlon™ processor or higher recommended
    • 512 MB RAM or higher recommended
    • 250 MB of free disk space
    • An internal or external DVD drive or Blu-ray drive
    • Internet connection

    Media Player Classic Home Cinema (x86/x64)

    MPC HomeCinema is comfy altogether plans for the media player. it had been designed on the premise of a classical player Media Player Classic and one in all the most effective collections of media codecs ffdshow, and therefore will play several formats of video and audio files while not putting in external codecs. This player features a sizable amount of various functionalities: it will play optical disc disks, the hardware is ready to rewrite H.264 format widespread on the most recent generation graphics cards, is aware of the way to work properly with the second monitor (TV), supports the assorted sort of subtitles will work with QuickTime and RealVideo formats etc. The player is little and utterly graspable, and not overladen functions redundant interface translated into fourteen languages.

    It has full compatibility with Windows XP, visual percept and Se7en. Media Player Classic Home Cinema is a particularly light-weight media player for Windows. it's a bit like Windows Media Player, however has several extra options. you'll be able to use the player as a Media Player Classic theater.

    Supported Decoding:
    MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 playback. Media Player Classic is capable of VCD, SVCD and DVD playback, without the need to install any additional software or codecs.
    It has built-in codecs for MPEG-2 video and codecs for LPCM, MP2, AC3 and DTS audio, and also contains an improved MPEG splitter that supports playback of VCDs and SVCDs using its VCD/SVCD/XCD Reader. A *.mp4 and MPEG-4 Timed Text support added. An AAC decoding filter makes MPC suitable for AAC playback in MP4.
    MPC Home Cinema also has H.264 and VC-1 with DXVA support, DivX, Xvid, and Flash Video formats is available in MPC HC. MPC can also use the QuickTime and the RealPlayer architectures. Media Player Classic supports native playback of OGM and Matroska container formats.

    Supported Video, Audio and Image File Formats:


    Additional Player Features

    * Option to remove Tearing.
    * Better support for Windows Vista, including a release for 64 bits platform.
    * Support for EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer)
    * Supports Subtitles.
    * Playback and recording of television if a supported TV tuner is installed.
    * Creation of minidump when MPC HC crashes.
    * OSD (On Screen Display)
    * Shuttle PN31 remote control support
    * Support Multi-Monitor configuration
    * Pixel shader to convert BT601 - BT701
    * YV12 Chroma Upsampling pixel shader
    * Language Translations.
    * All features from the Guliverkli MPC Project from Gabest.

    Best Media Player Media Player Codec Pack

    Media Player Codec Pack may be a Windows codec pack created for video and audio playback to permit you to totally relish your multimedia system files. It supports virtually each compression and file sort utilized by trendy video and audio files. The package includes video codecs and filters, like ffdshow, LAV, XviD Encoder and Flash FLV, audio codecs and filters (AC3Filter, LAV Audio, DivX Audio and Lame MP3), and a set of different supply splitters and filters. The installer offers you the ability to choose the parts you would like to deploy on your laptop. Media Player Codec Pack offers you an opportunity to line some file associations straight from the installer, which suggests you'll discovered Windows Media Player to handle MKV, VOB, FLV, FLAC, OGG and a bunch of different files by default. By victimization SlySoft AnyDVD HD with this Codec Pack, Windows aspect and Windows seven users will play: Protected Blu-ray, AVCHD, HD-DVD, DVD, CD.

    The package is easy to install, while also offering advanced settings to the high end user:
    • For simple installation select “Easy Installation”.
    • For advanced installation options select “Expert Installation”.

    Special care has been taken to make the package:
    • Play a huge variety of Audio/Video files.
    • Free of conflicts.
    • Cause minimal impact on system performance (Disk space used, registry entries and stability).
    • Compatible in full with Microsoft Windows 7.

    Compression types include: Hi10p/10bit x264 | x264| h.264 | AVC | DivX | XviD | MP4 | MPEG4 | MPEG2 and many more.
    File types include: .mkv | .avi | .flv | .mp4 | .ts | .m4v | .m4a | .ogm | .ac3 | .dts | .flac | .ape | .aac | .ogg | .ofr | .mpc | .3gp and many more.

    Resolutions supported include: All resolutions upto, and including SD (Standard Definition) 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, + HD (High Definition) 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p and beyond.
    By using SlySoft AnyDVD HD with this Codec Pack, Windows Vista and Windows 7 users can play: Protected Bluray, AVCHD, HD-DVD, DVD, CD.

    Package Components:
    * ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130125 x86 Revision 4500 by Cole.
    * ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130125 x64 Revision 4500 by Cole.
    * LAV Video decoder 0.55.2 x86 & x64.
    * XviD Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.2.
    * x264 Video (Encoder) Codec v37.2200.
    * Lagarith Lossless Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.27 x86 & x64
    * Flash Video Splitter/Decoder v1.6.5.6366 x86 & x64.
    * AC3Filter v2.5b AC3/DTS Decoder x86 & x64.
    * LAV Audio Decoder 0.55.2 x86 & x64.
    * DivX Audio Decoder 4.1
    * Lame MP3 v3.98.2 ACM Encoder/Decoder Codec.
    * DSP-worx Bass Source Filter/Decoder v1.30.

    * Haali Media Splitter/Decoder 16/09/11 x86 & x64 – For MP4, MKV, OGM and AVI files.
    * LAV Splitter 0.55.2 x86 & x64.
    * VSFilter v2.41.5322 x86 & v2.37 x64 – Subtitle Readers.
    * CDXA Reader v1.6.5.6366 – Also known as Form 2 Mode 2 CD or XCD x86 & x64.

    Real Hide IP Silent

    Real Hide scientific discipline could be a privacy code that permits you to hide your scientific discipline address, opt for scientific discipline country and surf anonymously. It will defend your privacy, stop fraud, and guard against hacker intrusions, all with the press of a button. Using it, you'll conceal your identity on-line by showing these websites a faux scientific discipline that you'll choose between totally different countries in opt for scientific discipline Country window, block hackers and prying eyes from knowing your true location or identity. you'll simply amendment between faux scientific discipline and real scientific discipline. after you stop running Real Hide scientific discipline, your applications programme settings can revert back to traditional (without the faux IP). Real Hide scientific discipline mechanically configures your applications programme to use our proxy server. you'll mechanically amendment your scientific discipline address each jiffy or hide your scientific discipline address after you begin your laptop. Real Hide scientific discipline works with web person, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is compatible with every type of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks, and the other reasonably web association.

    Key Features:
    • Easily Conceal Your IP Address
    • Anonymous Web Surfing
    • Advanced Application Support
    • Protect Your Identity and Stop Hackers
    • Un-ban Yourself From Forums, Blogs, Etc...
    • Prevent websites from tracking your online activities
    • Quickly delete all Internet Explorer and FireFox cookies
    • Automatically clear your cookies each time your IP changes

    Eset Nod32 Username And Password 2013

    This is nod32 username and password 2013 net diary. I supply operative nod32 keys 2013, serial nod32 2013, eset nod32 keys 2013, 2013 eset nod32 key, eset nod32 username and password 2013, eset nod32 antivirus 5/6 username and password 2013, eset nod32 antivirus 6 key 2013, eset smart security 6 key 2013 everyday. Get your free nod32 username and password 2013 to update your eset nod32 antivirus. This diary updates daily with modern nod32 username and password 2013 countersign for you.
    If you think that that your laptop has to have an explicit reasonably protection for the anti-virus perspective, you would like to seek out a reliable program for that. In recent years, there square measure completely different firms introducing differing types of anti-virus programs within the market. ESET NOD32 is maybe one among these programs currently and it\’s become a really standard selection of individuals.

    Nod32 username and password 2013
    In order to relish the protection by ESET NOD32, individuals got to harden the nod32 username and password 2013. within the latest version of ESET NOD32, that is that the 2013 version, the nod32 username and password 2013 is also to a small degree completely different from the previous version. Therefore, you would like to be terribly careful after you square measure finding the nod32 username and password 2013.
    The first thanks to notice the appropriate nod32 username and password 2013 is to seem for the knowledge in on-line web site. There square measure some websites originated by the skilled programmers. they need the power to check the programs and see if a number of the nod32 username and password 2013 square measure valid and applicable to the program.
    Easier to register with the correct nod32 username and password 2013
    With the correct set of nod32 username and password 2013, it\’s straightforward to register for the program. The program consists of the many new options compared with the previous ones. as an example, there\’s a rise within the strength of web security except for the anti-virus ability. Therefore, users would notice that the program will facilitate check whether or not they have fallen into some on-line virus traps a lot of expeditiously.
    When you explore for nod32 username and password 2013 for this program, you would like to pick out the correct period of the keys for yourself. a number of thenod32 username and password 2013 for this program would have one year of license amount whereas a number of the nod32 username and password 2013 would have three years of license amount. there\’s no absolute answer therefore you must try and notice your own resolution and confirm that those sets of knowledge would be sensible for you.
    Starting with the time period
    If you like to start out exploitation the program with an attempt, you\’ll be able to conjointly get the official time period codes for you to use it for around ninety days. once the ninety days, you\’ll be able to think about whether or not this program is a good one. If yes, you\’ll be able to still get a extended license. you\’ll conjointly think about using the valid sets of nod32 username and password 2013 that you just will notice within the web world. As long as {you square measure|you\’re} certain that the codes are valid and that they don\’t seem to be blacklisted by ESET NOD32, you\’ll be able to perpetually enter because the registration info for you to use this program, that is often thought to be the foremost reliable program within the market today.
    In conclusion, the valid nod32 username and password 2013 is important to form your ESET NOD32 program activated. Therefore, you must not hesitate to look for such a legitimate set of codes such you\’ll be able to relish the advantages. If you are doing not manage to induce these codes and apply them to your accounts, it\’d be terribly troublesome for you to activate all the protecting options for your laptop.

    AutoKMS 6.1

    AutoKMS-fully automatic activator of Windows and Office is based on the KMSfast * heldigard * & KMSmicro Select Edition 0.9.2 * abbodi1406 * improved * echo2 *!


    Universality (activates: Vista/7/8 Pro/Enter/N/LL; Office 2010/2013 Retail/VL; Server Std 2008/2008R2/Data/2012)
    Does not require active involvement of the user (run the activator and choose what you want to).
    Simultaneous activation of both Windows and Office.

    Using it you can:
    Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
    Activate Windows 8 Professional
    Activate Microsoft Office 2013
    Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
    Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
    Activate Microsoft Office 2010
    Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
    Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
    Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
    Activate Windows 7 Professional
    To Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
    Activate Windows Vista Professional

    WindowsAndroid 4.0.3 (x86/x64)

    WindowsAndroid could be a helpful application that was designed to emulate all the functions of golem and supply you with a way of enjoying all the options of this OS right onto your laptop. This port of golem is predicated on frozen dessert Sandwich (ICS), the newest iteration of the well-known platform that runs on movable, tablets and alternative devices. WindowsAndroid could be a easy thanks to run golem software on Windows. it's truly a full porting of the mobile OS, which suggests that you simply can take pleasure in the complete expertise, complete with apps and specific settings.

    Nero Multimedia v12.0.03400

    Nero twelve makes it straightforward to stream ikon albums, slideshows, music playlists and a lot of to totally different devices in your home. produce your comes or compilations just once, then stream them to your XBOX 360™, PS3™, iPad®, robot pill, PC, digital media adapter, streaming-enabled TV, or alternative DLNA- or UPnP-supported devices.


    FarStone TotalRecovery Pro 9.05 Build 20130204

    Backup is analogous to insurance; FarStone TotalRecovery may be a sure name making certain your information is safe and may be recovered once you would like them. TotalRecovery backs up photos, videos, emails, files, folders, favorites, applications, Windows and Winchester drive partitions data. TotalRecovery restores missing files/folders and even entire Windows from virus infections, hard disc failures, and sudden disasters. With peace of mind, TotalRecovery backs up manually or mechanically on schedules.

    TotalRecovery Pro Other Main Features
    - One-click Backup
    - Disk, Volume, and File Backup Modes
    - Full, Incremental, and Differential Backup
    - Clone Hard Disk and SSD in Clicks
    - Up to 256 Bits Encryption
    - Backup EFI/UEFI, GPT, RAID, and Dynamic Disk
    - Dissimilar Restoration
    - Upgrade PC with DriveCloning
    - P2V for VMWare and Hyper-v
    - Powerful Scheduler
    - Multiple Backup Jobs
    - FTP Remote Backup
    - Quota Management
    - Google Desktop Search Incorporated
    - Open File Backup
    - Email Notification Upon Backup
    - Pre and Post Backup Command
    - FarStone Recovery Manager

    What's new in TotalRecovery Pro V9?
    - Windows 8 Fully Supported
    - New Windows 8 Style User Interface
    - Differential Backup Added to Work with Incremental & Full Backup
    - Enhanced Scheduler, Quota Management, and Remote Backup
    - FarStone Recovery Manager Added to Boot Entry; Allows Instant Restore
    - Mount Backup Image to View & Restore Files
    - Exclude Files From Backing or Cloning
    - 100% PerfectDefrag Backup or Cloning
    - SmartBackup Exclude Redundant Files (save 10GB-50GB space)
    - Enhanced VMware & VHD Support
    - Enhanced UEFI, GPT, RAID Backup
    - Support Windows New REFS File System

    Weather Display 10.37R Build 48

    Weather show is that the code to urge the foremost from your observation post. Not solely will it support a large vary of stations from all the main makers however it is also stacked with options and choices. These embody real time, automobile scale and graph history graphing, FTP of the weather information to your web content, electronic device and email notifications of maximum conditions, net transfer, Metar/ Synop emails, averages/extreme/climate/NOAA reports, net cam transfer, classified file uploads, FTP downloads, decoded metar download's, APRS output (internet and direct com port as well) ,WAP, direct net cam capture, animated net cam pictures, weatherdials, weather voice, weather answer phone, use of city one wire sensors (such as lightning counter, star sensing element, measuring system sensing element and further temperature/humidity sensors with any weather station), use a Labjack to feature further temperature or humidness sensing element to your existing observation post (USB)... and much more!

    Top Features:

    * See What's Ahead
    Extensive daily & hourly forecasts help you plan for today and the week ahead.

    * Real Time Updates
    The fluid interface refreshes itself in real time as new weather information is available.

    * Several Weather Sources
    Connect to NWS weather stations, real time WeatherBug weather stations or weather stations from the WeatherBug Backyard network.

    * Timely Alert Notifications
    Stay on top of weather, hydrologic and climate alerts as issued by the National Weather Service.

    * Weather Maps Galore
    Browse through hundreds of maps or add your own from your favorite Internet sources.

    * Highly Customizable Interface
    Take advantage of the many interface settings to personalize Weather Watcher Live.

    Adobe Shockwave Player Full version

    Shockwave Player is that the internet normal for powerful multimedia system playback. The Shockwave Player permits you to look at interactive online page like games, business shows, diversion, and advertisements from your browser. Over 450 million web enabled users have put in the Adobe Shockwave Player. These individuals currently have access to a number of the most effective content the net has got to supply together with dazzling 3D games and diversion, interactive product demonstrations, and on-line learning applications. The Shockwave Player displays online page that has been created by Adobe Director.

    Xinorbis 6.0.22 Portable

    inorbis may be a easy however powerful magnetic disc instrument. employing a refined mixture of graphs, tables and tree displays, it offers the user an entire summary of the contents of a tough disk, folder, removable or network drive. It makes it straightforward to check the contents, structure and file distribution and file composition of an entire magnetic disc, directory, or mapped network drive. Includes full report creation.

    analyse a single drive, folder or merge several together in one report
    view the results by file type, attributes, size, user (owner) and date
    the Folder History feature allows you to compare the contents of a folder or drive at times and dates
    in-bullt powerful search engine (+ save results to a file or clipboard)
    find duplicate files (by name and size)
    complex report generation (with many user customisations) with export to HTML, ASCII, CSV or XML
    save reports and tables for later comparison or for inclusion in other documents
    shell support, scan a directory through Windows Explorer
    updated regularly

    6.0.22 (February 10th 2013)
    Memory usage optimisations.
    Added simple tutorial system.
    Other minor tweaks.

    Mediachance Photo Brush 5.30 DC 12.02.2013

    Photo-Brush five is image editor, painting program, image retouching tool, photograph foil and RAW Image Browser for Windows XP and aspect. Over the years we have a tendency to additional several made tools and effects for photograph adjusting and photograph retouching found in way more pricey skilled tools. And there are some effects and tools you'll hardly notice elsewhere.
    Main Features

    Photo-Brush has many of the tools and features of the much more expensive professional packages.
    But it has also many new and unique tools.

    * Open and work on many images at the same time
    * Load an save Exif information from digital camera jpg files
    * More than 30 different Brushes
    * Each brush have its own libraries of predefined variations
    * You can paint not only with color but also with texture - many variations
    * Image Nozzle for spraying cute images
    * Support for PSP Picture Tubes
    * Natural and artistic brushes simulate real painting techniques
    * Using cloning techniques you can turn photography into painted art
    * 3D brushes simulates shaded pipes or ropes
    * Support for pressure sensitive tablets
    * Texture pick can make a seamless texture from any part of your image
    * TWAIN support for scanners and digital cameras
    * Support also for 32 bit film scanners
    * Support for Adobe compatible plug-in filters (*.8bf)
    * Filter plug-ins can even be used across the nettwork
    * Photo-Brush can search for the plug-ins
    * Support for external procedure plug-ins called Extras (*.xtr)
    * Many standad image adjusting tools and color corrections
    * Automatic enhancing of images from digital cameras and scanners
    * Many build-in filters and effects
    * Photo Retouch brushes can "paint" contrast, sharpness, color corrections etc..
    * Special Brushes for Red eye removal or cleaning of the skin, warping
    * Adding beautiful Lens flares or sparkles to your images.
    * Antialiased text with rendered shadows or 3D look
    * The Rubber Stamp can cycle - wrap on the image
    * 12 standard modes for any brush, image nozzle, stamp or othe retouching and special effect brushes.
    * Edge-Smart Brush mode for edge - sensitive painting
    * Multiple Undo and Redo
    * Colorize images
    * The help file explains each tool and procedure with examples and detailed 'behind the scene" descriptions
    * Support for major image formats including PNG, JPG, BMP, TIF, PCX, TGA and Adobe PSD
    * Fast loading
    * RAW support

    PDFZilla 1.2.11

    PDFZilla may be a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, made Text Documents, Plain Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave Flash SWF Files. PDFZilla supports most of fashionable formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, HTML, SWF formats.

    PDFZilla Key Features
    Convert PDF to Word
    Convert PDF to Word with all text and Graphical data.
    Convert PDF to RTF
    Convert PDF to Rich Text Files. You can edit all text and graphic by Windows Wordpad.
    Convert PDF to TXT
    Convert PDF to plain text files. You can edit text by Notepad.
    Convert PDF to Images
    Convert PDF to BMP, JPG, GIF or TIF files.
    Convert PDF to HTML
    Convert PDF to HTML files and automatically generate the Index file.
    Convert PDF to SWF
    Convert PDF to Shockwave Flash Animation files which can be published on websites.
    Page Selection
    Convert all the pages, or partial pages of PDF file.
    Easy to use software
    Add a PDF File -> Select the Output File Format -> Click on Start Converting button, then just have a cup of coffee :)

    AVG PC Tuneup 2013 12.0.4010.19

    With AVG laptop TuneUp 2013 your software, games and software system once more reached full capability. With AVG laptop TuneUp you'll perform vital tasks such services as cleanup the Winchester drive and written account, either mechanically or manually. Disorder within the system and slow work stay within the past. AVG laptop TuneUp acknowledges the existence of issues in your system and offers easy solutions to handle them. additionally, with AVG laptop TuneUp you'll fully amendment the looks of your Windows system to suit personal preferences.

    Anti Virus AVG Anti-Virus Pro 2013 13.0 Build 2899a6087 (x86/x64) Free Download

    AVG Anti-Virus professional 2013 - offers protection from the foremost complicated to this point threats. Safe downloads and file sharing, secure chat, games and films while not interruption. AVG Anti-Virus doesn't considerably have an effect on the performance of the system - a reliable, fast and straightforward means that of protective your laptop from viruses and alternative malicious programs.

    • Download, share files and send messages safely with AVG Online Shield.
    • Stay Safe on social networks with AVG Social Networking Protection.
    • Visit the Web site and look for information on the Internet is safe under the protection of AVG LinkScanner real-time.

    The main components of AVG Anti-Virus Pro 2013:

    Malware protection:
    • Anti-Virus (antivirus)
    AVG Anti-Virus performs detection of viruses, worms, Trojans and unwanted files or libraries in the system. To maintain the highest possible level of protection Anti-Virus component must be constantly updated.
    • Anti-Spyware (antispyware)
    AVG Anti-Spyware protects your computer from malware and adware to ensure your protection against unwanted ads and software that secretly collects your personal data from your computer. To ensure complete protection of your computer must be continuously updated components Anti-Spyware.
    • Anti-Rootkit (protection against rootkits)
    Programme Component Anti-Rootkit scans for dangerous rootkits hidden in prilozheniyaz, drives or libraries dll. A rootkit is a package of malware that allows an attacker to gain access to the level of administration or to the entire network
    • Resident Shield
    Resident Shield scans files when they are copied, opened or saved. When a threat is detected prevents its activation. Also component provides important protection for the system areas of your computer.
    • E-mail Scanner
    E-mail Scanner checks incoming and outgoing e-mails with plug-ins designed for the most common email clients (eg, Outlook and The Bat!). Personal email scanner supports all email clients. mail, using the protocol POP3/SMTP or IMAP (for example, Mozilla Thunderbird and Outlook Express). When a virus, he moved to the Virus Vault.

    Internet security:
    • LinkScanner
    LinkScanner provides comprehensive protection for searching and browsing the Internet. To do this, you have two functions: Component Surf-Shield and Search-Shield. Your computer is protected from Internet attacks, and you can determine the security of visited sites. LinkScanner supports Internet Explorer and Firefox.
    • Online Shield
    Online Shield protects your computer from accidentally downloaded an infected file or from the transfer of files via instant messaging.

    Identity Theft Protection:
    • Identity Protection
    Identity Protection provides continuous protection of digital data from new and unknown threats. Identity Protection adds signatures based on the protection of AVG by tracking the behavior of programs on your computer and automatic locking action, which can lead to identity theft and do not require renewal.

    Additional components:
    • PC Analyzer
    PC Analyzer will analyze your computer to identify the problems associated with registry errors, junk files, errors fragmentation, disk errors and broken shortcuts.
    • Update Manager
    Manager manages the automatic update AVG updates, carried out on the Internet or on a local network. For the latest versions of the files we recommend that you schedule updates for regular automatic check for critical updates on the Internet. recommended to check at least once a day. Update AVG Antivirus is very important to ensure optimal protection against viruses.
    • License
    License component manages the current state license. License number identifies a specific version of AVG security software. Make sure that the license number is entered and activated correctly. Otherwise, the software update is due, as well as providing technical support will not be possible.

    Recommended system requirements:
    • Processor Intel Pentium 1.8 GHz or faster
    • Memory 512 MB RAM
    • Hard disk free space (for installation) 1550 MB

    Operating Systems:
    • MS Windows XP, MS Windows XP Pro x64 Edition, MS Windows Vista, MS Windows Vista x64 Edition, MS Wi

    ndows 7, MS Windows 7 x64 Edition
    • For AVG Internet Security Business Edition 2013 as MS Windows Server 2003, MS Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition, MS Windows Server 2003 R2, MS Windows Server 2008, MS Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition, MS Windows Server 2008 R2, MS Windows Small Business Edition server 2011

    AVG's LinkScanner ® technology is supported in browsers:
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome

    Minimum system requirements:
    • Processor Intel Pentium 1.5 GHz or faster
    • Memory 512 MB of RAM
    • Hard disk free space (for installation) 1000 MB

    New Features in Version 2013:
    * Improved scanning using enhanced scanning algorithms for faster scanning.
    * Improved compatibility with a detected 3rd party Firewall.
    * Refined threshold for browser memory consumption.
    * Boot accelerator optimizes time needed for boot up.
    * Fresh and new user interface for easier navigation and better user experience.
    * AVG 2013 is fully compatible with Windows 8.
    Fixes & Impmrovments
    * Anti-Rootkit: Improved reporting of corrupted sections.
    * Anti-Spam: Improved configuration of all Anti-Spam components.
    * DNT: Fixed crash in urlmon.dll in Windows 8.
    * General: Alert Manager component has been removed.
    * General: Update selection dialog has been removed.
    * General: System Tools component has been removed.
    * Outlook Addin: Fixed possible freeze and compatibility issue with Kerio Outlook Connector.
    * Safe Surf: Fixed issue with upload speed while Safe Surf is running.
    * Safe Surf: Fixed issue with occasional crash when analyzing *.swf content.
    * Scheduler: Only one scheduled scan can be running at the same time.
    * Setup: Driver installation logging has been extended to provide enhanced information.
    * Setup: Search Shield component will not be installed by default, but only after having been selected for installation.
    * Update: Fixed problem with rollback of failed update.

    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x86/x64) Mac OSX Edition 2013

    Khusus bagi anda para pecinta operating system editan, pada malam hari ini koskomputer akan berbagi sebuah operating system windows 7 ultimate SP1 yang sudah di edit sedemikian rupa sehingga tampilannya mirip dengan Mac OS. Untuk versi editan kali ini masih belum di aktivasi dan untuk dapat memakainya secara bebas, anda membutuhkan lisensi key, Activator atau Loader.


    File Info 
    • Author : DiLshad Code.
    • Name : Mac OSX Edition.
    • OS Name : Windows 7 ULTIMATE.
    • Architecture : 32-bit (X86) /64-bit(x64).
    • Language : Choose Language At Instillation Time ( Support All Languages ).
    • Version : 6.1.7601.17651.
    • Service Pack : SP1.
    • Applications : 40 New Apps included.
    • Tested : Tested on Intel i3,i5,i7 , C2Q OS Size : 4.5 GB.
    • License : Latest Version Of Windows Loader (v2.2.1) By DAZ Included.
    • Windows Activation : For Activation, Purchase a Genuine key directly from Microsoft.

    Minimum Requirement :
    • Processor : 2 GHz or faster processor
    • Memory : Recommended 1 GB RAM
    • Hard disk space : 20 GB
    • Media drive : DVD/CD authoring requires a compatible optical drive
    • Video card : DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDM 1.0 or later driver Software

    Software Included :
    • - Adobe Flash Player 11.6.602.146
    • - Bootscreen Mac OSX
    • - C_2005 Redis
    • - C_2005 SP1_Redis
    • - C_2008 Redis
    • - C_2008 SP1_Redis
    • - C_2010 Redis
    • - CCleaner 3.26.1888
    • - DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 5.0.0316.0317
    • - DirectX32
    • - Eset Smart Security 6.1 X64/X86
    • - FileZilla 3.5.3
    • - Firefox 18 Final
    • - Foxit Reader
    • - Glary Utilities Pro
    • - Google Talk Beta
    • - Internet Download Manager 6.16 Final
    • - Java SE Runtime Environment 7.0 Update 4
    • - K-Lite Codec Pack 9.70 (Full)
    • - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Final
    • - Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.10411.0 Final
    • - nET Framework 4.5
    • - Notepad++ 6.1.8
    • - ShockWave 11.5 x64 Full
    • - Skype Final
    • - TuneUp Utilities 2012.12.0.3600.104 Final
    • - UltraISO 9.1
    • - USB Disk Security
    • - USB Safely Remove Final
    • - uTorrent-3.2.1
    • - VLC Media Player 2.0.5
    • - Winrar 4.0
    • - Yahoo! Messenger 1150.0228
    • - Windows Live Messenger 2012 (16.4.3503)
    • - Windows Essentials all
    • - Windows SkypeDrive
    • - Windows Mail
    • - Windows Writer
    • - Windows Movie Maker and Photo gallery
    • - Windows Family Safety
    What's Removed :
    • Australia Local pack - Canada local Pack - Great Britain Local Pack - New Zealand Local pack.
    • DVD Maker - Music And Video Example - Share Media Panel - Windows Media Center - Windows Media Player DVD Registration - Windows Media Player Network Sharing - Service - Offline Files - Windows Recovery Disc - Windows Media Player Troubleshooter.
    Gadgets :
    • New 10 gadgets are added.
    Whats' New :
    Boot Screen Mac OSX - New Eye catching themes - New icon sets - New Sound schemes - New Registry settings - Hang time ratio improved - Added best shortcut styles - Improved application interface - Added RUN on start menu - Add change theme - Add change wallpaper - Add desktop icon settings - Advanced user accounting - Clear type view - Copy to Move to on right click - Disable Autorun Drive - Disable UAC - Disable Tool Tips - Don't mark new applications - Enable AVALON effects - Enable Clear Type Tuning - Enable DVD in media player - Enable Glass Effect(WDM) without graphics card - Enable MP3 Encoding on right click - Enable slow motion windows effects - Enable status bar in notepad - Get rid of windows mail splash - Give your self permission to modify all - Grant full admin control - DiLshad Sys Site direct link from right click (Firefox needed) - Removed Action center Icon - Windows speed tweaking - Wait to kill service - 2000 - Low level hooks time out - 1000 - Hang application time out - 1000 - Menu show delay - 0 - No low disk space warning - Process Schedule 1st Program - Mouse Speed Increased - Hang Ratio Decreased - Fast Shut Down And Login - Down Power After Shut Down - Touch Screen Feature Added - Grant Admin control on Right Click - Add Admin Tools on Desktop Context Menu - Add manage on Desktop Context Menu - Add Move to Folder on Desktop Context Menu - Add Copy To Folder on Desktop Context Menu - Add Task Manager on Desktop Context Menu - Add Take Ownship on Desktop Context Menu - Add Register and Unregister to .dll OCX Context Menu - 500ms Delay Aero - Larger Taskbar Previews - Removed Action center icon - small Taskbar Icon - Removed mail Splash - Detailed Shut Down And Login - Blocked Negative DNS Entery - turn Off System Beep - Turn off low Disk


    Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

    TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0.3020.7 Portable

    Anda sekalian pasti sudah mengetahui fungsi dari software yang satu ini bukan ? Yuph, TuneUp Utilities 2013 adalah sebuah software utilitas yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimalkan, mempercepat, membersihkan, memperbaiki dan menjadikan pc kita selalu siap setiap saat dengan performa terbaiknya saat kita gunakan. Walaupun bukan yang terbaik, namun TuneUp Utilities sangat populer di kalangan pengguna komputer dan merupakan software utilitas terbanyak pengguna dan peminatnya.

    TuneUp Start page:
    • Intuitive Layout, Easy to Use
    • Provides quick and easy access to the most critical optimization functions
    • A single yet comprehensive appraisal of your PC's current performance and overall system health
    TuneUp Speed Optimizer:
    • Intelligent, Powerful Utility for any User Skill Level
    • Easy optimization in just a few clicks
    • Identifies unused programs and resource-draining functions
    • Recommends tools for optimal PC performance
    TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance:
    • Automatic, Fast Optimization
    • Enables one-click maintenance of the most important functions of your PC
    • Cleans the Windows registry
    • Deletes temporary files and folders
    • Increases the system performance through integrated defragmentation
    • Streamlines your desktop and simplifies folder shortcuts with one click
    TuneUp Drive Defrag:
    • Intelligent defragmentation with new progress display
    TuneUp System Control:
    • Supports Opera
    TuneUp Uninstall Manager:
    • Intuitive uninstall options
    TuneUp Startup Manager:
    • Increases the speed at the start-up of your PC
    TuneUp Registry Cleaner:
    • More powerful tool with in-depth view of your PC registry


    password : koskomputer

    Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

    HyperSnap 7.23.01 Portable

    HyperSnap 7.23.01 Portable - adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk untuk mengambil gambar pada layar pc sobat dengan gambar berkualitas HQ. HyperSnap 7.23.01 Portable memiliki beberapa fitur terutama image editor yang super lengkap. HyperSnap 7.23.01 Portable ini tentu saja sangat di rekomendasikan bagi sobat dalam membuat tutorial online, handout pelatihan, presentasi, halaman web, materi pemasaran dan segala macam hal yang berhubungan dengan capture mengcapture layar desktop. Ayo buruan download softwarenya.



    password :  ahmad-adzan

    Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Version

    Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Version - adalah software utilities terpopuler yang dapat kita manfaatkan untuk membersihkan, mendefrag, mengoptimalkan kinerja system windows, serta memperbaiki kerusakan kerusakan yang terjadi di dalam windows pc kita. Advanced SystemCare Pro 6 juga memiliki segudang fitur yang jarang di miliki software-software utilities sejenis, serta memiliki tampilan antar muka yang super keren. Ayo Buruan download softwarenya jangan sampai ketinggalan sama yang lain.


    password :  ahmad-adzan

    SuperRam 6 Pro Full Version

    SuperRam 6 Pro Full Version adalah sebuah software untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja RAM yang ada di PC/Laptop kita. dengan menggunakan SuperRam 6 Pro Full Version ini PC/Laptop kita akan lebih Optimal dari pada sebelumnya. Ayo Makanya Download ya jangan sampai ketinggalan, ok.


    password :  ahmad-adzan

    Avast! Internet Security 5.1.889

    avast! provides a package of applications that aim to protect your computer from a possible virus infection or other malware threat. If you use it correctly, and in combination with other programs such as data backup utilities, it will significantly reduce the risk of your computer being attacked or infected by a virus, and thus the risk of losing important or private data.
    The Avast! Internet Security application comes with an antispam filter and built-in firewall. Once installed, avast! runs silently in the background to protect your computer against all known forms of malware. You don't need to do anything else - just install and forget! Active internet users need greater protection for themselves as they shop and bank on-line. To secure against threats from infected web sites and the growing risk of identity theft, avast Internet security provides you with continuous protection from its layers of antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit protection, firewall and antispam.

    Real-time shields. The real-time shields are the most important part of the program, as they are working continuously to prevent your computer from becoming infected. They monitor all your computer's activity, checking all programs and files in real-time - i.e. at the moment a program is started or whenever a file is opened or closed.

    Virus Chest. The virus chest can be thought of as a folder on your hard disk with special properties, that make it a safe, isolated place for storing potentially harmful files. You can work with the files in the virus chest, with some security restrictions.

    avast! antispam filter. avast! Internet Security includes a fully integrated antispam filter to detect unwanted email.
    Spam delivered to your mailbox can result in your mailbox quickly becoming full, as a result which, legitimate emails may not be received. It can also unnecessarily increase the load on the email server, internet connection, local networks etc.

    Firewall. avast! Internet Security includes a fully integrated firewall which can be controlled directly from the avast! user interface.
    The firewall monitors all communication between your computer and the outside world and blocks unauthorized communication based on a number of "allow" and "deny" rules. In this way, the firewall can prevent sensitive data from leaving your computer and can also block attempted intrusions by external hackers

    Command-line scanner. The ashCmd program uses the same avast! scanning engine to detect potential malware infections so the results are exactly the same as running a scan via the normal program interface. The avast! command-line scanner, ashCmd.exe, is normally installed in the directory C:Program FilesAlwil Softwareavast5.
    A scan is run from the command prompt using various switches and parameters. To see a description of the parameters, locate the ashCmd file and double click on it. This will open a new window in which the various parameters are displayed.

    • Continuous protection against viruses and spyware
    • Ensures all mails sent and received are clean
    • Keeps you protected from "chat" infections
    • Stops attacks from hijacked websites
    • Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown applications
    • Blocks hacker attacks to protect your identity
    • Keeps your mailbox free from spam
    • Allows safe and uninterrupted gaming
    • Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7

    Key technologies:
    • Improved Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
    • New avast! Sandbox
    • New Silent Firewall
    • New Antispam
    • NewBehavior Shield
    • New avast! Intelligent Scanner
    • New Silent/Gaming Mode
    • Real time anti-rootkit protection
    • avast! Community IQ
    • Behavioral Honeypots
    • Smart virus updates
    • Green computing
    • avast! iTrack
    • File System / Mail Shield
    • Web Shield
    • IM / P2P Shield
    • Network Shield
    • Script Shield

    Changes in avast! Internet Security 5.1.889:
    - solved a compatibility problem with CorelDraw X5
    - solved a compatibility problem with Acer control software
    - solved a problem inserting a license file via the installation wizard
    - solved a compatibility problem with some Dell wireless network adapter drivers
    - solved a compatibility problem with Game Guard (used by a number of games)
    - solved a compatibility problem with Sibelius
    - solved various 0xC0000005 and 0xC000007B errors (e.g. with some .NET applications)
    - issues related to upgrades from v5.0 (inactive shields, missing right-click associations, missing 64-bit boot-time scanner etc)
    - solved some possible deadlock conditions (relatively rare but possible)
    - performance related improvements
    - various UI related improvements

    Rar Password Unlocker v3.2.0.1


    If you forget the WinRAR /RAR password, This RAR password recovery software may be your best resort. RAR Password Unlocker is proved to be a helpful tool for users to recover forgotten RAR password. It supports brute-force attack, brute force with mask and dictionary attack which can restrict the search area and shorten the RAR password recovery time. 

    Key Features

    Support customizable attacks to recover RAR password
    * Brute-force attack can help you try all possible combinations if you remember nothing about the password.
    * If you remember some symbols or length of the lost RAR password, brute force with mask attack is better for you to save the recovery time by restricting the search area.
    * Dictionary attack allows you to recover lost RAR password according to default dictionary of the program, besides, you can add your own dictionary to the program in order to shorten the RAR password recovery time.
    * Perfect compatibility and great performance Support all versions of WinRAR/RAR
    * Set up Program Priority for better performance.
    * Work well with Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
    * Work well with Multi-Core CPU that can speed up the RAR password recovery.
    * Ease of use & best service Save the RAR password recovery process automatically and resume when you run the program again if the recovery process is suspended
    * Shut down your computer automatically when the RAR password recovery is finished
    * Clear and interactive interface with good User Experience makes it easy to use
    * Professional, timely and free technical support is always for you

    Trial Version Limitations:

    * More than three characters of the RAR password cannot be recovered in the trial version.
    * Dictionary attack is not available in the trial version.

    System Requirements:
    Support Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, NT, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
    1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz is recommended)
    512 MB of RAM (1 GB is recommended)
    3 MB of free hard disk space